Friday, January 9, 2009

Sometimes sisters ARE telling the truth

Okay, so Trixie's little sister was headed to NYC last spring to take in a ball game at Yankee Stadium before they tore it down and teach a bunch of NYC virgins how to use the subway and she tells me she wants to take a few taxis, too, and hopes she gets the Cash Cab. She tells me it's a show and unsuspecting folk who hail this one taxi in NYC get the chance to earn money from the cabbie host by answering trivia questions. I thought it sounded like a BLAST but I had never seen the show and was beginning to doubt her veracity. Well, tonight, I wish to publicly apologize for ever doubting her - Cash Cab is REAL. I caught the tail end of an episode (dude, how could you NOT know it's the Philly Phanatic???) and now that I know it's real and where to look for it I'm all over it. Thanks, TLS (Trixie's Little Sister)!

Cash Cab on Discovery

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