Saturday, December 20, 2008

Do reindeer have (a) sex?

I had no idea but apparently every year at holiday time the innernetz buzz with debate about whether Santa's reindeer were male or female. I thought it was clear it was a unisex team but experts present solid arguments for all-female, all-castrated males or all-bull teams, though they maintain the bulls would be too exhausted for sleigh-pulling due to rutting season. I'm imagining reindeer bulls sitting around watching bowl games and saying 'Beer me!.'


  1. They were MAN deer. We know this from Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer Christmas special. Rudolph's dad was who, Dasher? A Man deer, Rudolph was sweet on Clarise a gurl deer. Santa had no place for wuss deer as we know.

    Hermie was well, Hermie was an elf who wore comfortable shoes. Not that there's anything wrong with that....

  2. Comet and Cupid may have led an alternative lifestyle. Just sayin'...
