A man called the Naperville Police Department this week to report a fight he'd had with this girlfriend. The gf had come over, they fought about their relationship [in one of those endless loop fights where she yells at him that he goes out with his buddies and doesn't care about her enough and he tries to blend into the wall and refuses to tell her how he really feels which is that he just wants to go to sleep] and she decided to end it by leaving with his laptop and his new boxer puppy. The man decided to grow a pair and summoned the po-po in the morning, told them the story and asked for their assistance getting his stuff back. A buddy who had been staying with him very helpfully verified his story to police. The police quickly located the girlfriend, made her return to the residence and relinquish dog and laptop. Situation resolved, no harm no foul, right?
Well, not quite. The buddy who selflessly jumped in to help his girlfriend-whipped friend identified himself to the police who ran his name through their database and discovered an outstanding warrant for an unsatisfied judgment stemming from a shoplifting charge from early 2008.
Next time let your buddy get his own stuff back.
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