Grammar Bitch is tickled pink to see that her crusade is gaining ground and spreading throughout the Midwest. According to the Wichita Eagle, a student in Kansas was taking a state writing test and following the advice of his teachers: read each line, review every question, make sure you understand what's being asked. This eagle-eyed student was doing just that when he noticed a glaring error. The word "emission" -- as in "the emission of greenhouse gases" -- was spelled "omission."
Grammar Bitch says BRAVO to student Geoffrey Stanford - he caught an error that had slipped by who knows how many mucky-mucks with the Kansas State Board of Education.
Damn spell-check!
Good going for the young guy to spot this error. I did this once at a final exam at Wayne State. I read aquestion and it made no grammatical sense at all, so I quietly went to the Prof. and he read it and then promptly announced to the class the question #36 will be a freebee for the entire class no matter what they answered.