Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday Night Fun - Dixie Chicks (live)

Here's the Chicks doing 'A Home' during their 2003 Top of the World tour. The tour plans were made with a stage-in-the-round before 'The Incident' and security was tight at all their shows. With all the hoopla over Natalie's off-the-cuff comment about being embarrassed then-President George W. Bush was from their home state of Texas, the girls didn't show it during the show, other than a few choice comments from Natalie (which the audiences loved). Above all, the Dixie Chicks are consummate professionals. Seeing this clip reminds me how really really good they are. I've seen all their tours and hope to see many more.

They say home is where the heart is...
If the exception proves the rule, I guess that's true...

1 comment:

  1. They hate us for our free speech, until of course you say something bad about the right wing
