Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Lake. BIG lake..."

Or a pond in this case.

A motorist dropped a lit cigarette in his car and rather than do the smart thing and pull over to look for it he decided to try to fish around for it while driving. You know what they say about taking your eyes off the ball - motorist veered off the road. In what can only be considered a harmonic convergence, he veered off the road into a pond. The motorist managed to exit the car and stood on his trunk to keep his head out of the water. The submerged car and lights were spotted by a passerby who dialed 911 and reported it. The caller then tried to play Good Samaritan and jumped in to help the driver but then both men became stuck in the pond bottom which was very muddy. Two Wheaton police officers arrived on the scene and were able to remove the men from the water. Afterward they were checked out by paramedics and both refused transport to the hospital.

As a tribute to the driver who probably shouldn't be allowed to smoke and drive, we offer the following classic video:

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