Thursday, September 24, 2009

The TV season thus far

My two favorites so far:

'Glee' - Fox. This is a great show! A glee club at a high school in Ohio wants to show everyone they have what it takes to win competitions. And they do have what it takes: a great but hen-pecked teacher and mentor, an ultra-driven member, a high school athlete-turned-glee club singer, a closeted gay kid, a diva, a disabled student and a kinda goth chick. But there are always roadblocks, in this case Jane Lynch playing a maniacal cheerleading coach hell-bent on taking down the glee club by any means necessary so her girls can get all the glory and all the budget. She takes aggression to a whole new level and is easily the funniest person on TV today. The show has incredibly snappy dialogue and you have to listen closely to make sure you don't miss any of it. Not to mention musical production numbers!

'The Good Wife' - CBS. The show premiered Tuesday night to great reviews and is getting a rave from Naperville City Desk, too. The show stars Julianna Margulies, playing the wife of a philandering Chicago state's attorney who has possibly been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and is sitting in jail and who has definitely been caught diddling hookers on the side. The show may seem a little ripped-from-the-headlines but really focuses less on the scandal and more on the wife trying to pick up the pieces of her life while facing betrayal and a mountain of legal debt. She returns to the work force after a 13-year absence and gets work in a law firm as a junior associate. Her first trip back into the court room is a fiasco as she struggles to feel her way and find one line of questioning that won't prompt a barrage of objections. On the homefront she has to mind her two kids who watch her husband suck the toes of a hooker on Youtube. Margulies plays the character with class and humor and isn't afraid to show the failures as well as the triumphs. I am looking forward to some juicy plotlines to come.

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