Sunday, March 22, 2009

Apologizing is the LEAST this rape hoax perpetrator should do

Young women, listen up. Drinking until you pass out and then saying you were raped (when you weren't) to get out of trouble with your parents is NOT the way to conduct yourself.

A 19-year-old St. Patrick's Day reveler from Tinley Park started drinking at 9 am, was drunk by 10 am and continued to drink all day while attending a south side parade, according to the Sun-Times. When her boyfriend brought her home later that night she was very upset and rather than just admit to her parents that she was drunk as a skunk, she let on that she'd been raped. The young woman was convinced to go to the Tinley Park police and even led them to the place she claimed to have been raped by a man in a ski mask.

Her story started to fall apart as detectives questioned her friends the next day and they received a wildly different picture than the one given by the big liar. When called on it, the girl admitted she made up the story so that her parents would not be angry with her for drinking.

Tinley Park mayor Ed Zabrocki is understandably upset and thinks the young woman should apologize to the city. It is estimated the investigation cost the city at least $2,200 and NCD thinks the girl should be required to reimburse the city for this amount. Maybe she will think twice before drinking so heavily again and the hit to her pocketbook will convince her that lying about something as serious as being raped is not the way. Will the next woman who comes forward after having been assaulted have her credibility questioned? One hopes that is not the case but it would be natural to consider it.


  1. Nothing bothers me like a false claim like this. You are spot on Trixie! Women have a hard enough time prosecuting real rapes in America. I'd guess THOUSANDS of men have gotten away with a rape because all they have to do is make up some crap-assed excuse--She was asking for it, she was drunk, she came on to me, the sex was consensual, you can't prove I was there, she asked for rough sex, how many OTHER men have you had sex with after meeting them once, and on and on and on and to add fuel to that BS list is a terrible thing she does to other women. Now it's "But look at how many OTHER women have recanted just so their parents didn't get mad at them" added to a sleazy defense attorney's arsenal.

    Shame on this girl. Maybe helping in a center where women who were raped get counseling would help straighten her around.

  2. Excellent suggestion, Johnny - restitution AND time volunteering in a rape crisis center would be very good for Miss Drinks Too Much and Lies About It.
