Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday night Fun - The Pretenders

This Friday has been declared Music That Kicks Ass Night. We're kicking it off with one of the most kick-ass songs of all time. The Pretenders with 'Middle of the Road.' I've seen The Pretenders a long time ago at the State Theater in Detroit and this song grabs you by the front of your shirt, yanks you out of your seat and makes you wanna ROCK SO HARD.

When you own a big chunk
of the bloody Third World
the babies just come with the scenery
C'mon now

Friday night Fun - Elvis Costello

No Music That Kicks Ass Night would be complete without a dose of early Elvis Costello. PUMP IT UP!

Hell-bent or heaven-sent?

Friday night Fun - Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers

Music That Kicks Ass Night concludes with Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers (and one of Trixie's all-time favorites) 'American Girl.' We were appalled tonight to discover that Taylor Swift has covered the song but we're going to put that aside and let Tom P. present it with his usual and never duplicated kick-assery...

Take it easy baby
Make it last all night
She was
an American Girl

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

CCC: Napervillain motorist goes cuckoo

Chicks Committing Crimes: Here's a scenario motorists encounter nearly every day. You're driving along, minding your own business and up ahead you see a couple of bicyclists also sharing the road. The street may be a little tight, but a good motorist understands that you need to maneuver around them to give them room or if that's not immediately possible you need to slow down and hang back until you can safely do so. It might be a pain in the tuckus but a good motorist understands no matter how much of a pain the cyclist may be or how late you are running, your car can be a deadly weapon so you have to be courteous.

Well, Naperville resident Mary Ann Rehm must have missed the courtesy train because she decided to take matters into her own hands. Or rather, a bicycle into the grill of her car, according to the Naperville Sun.

Rehm was traveling northbound of Jefferson Street on Monday when she encountered two cyclists in the road. This charm school dropout allegedly grew impatient then freaked and instead of giving way she accelerated. The 17-year-old cyclist, Jereme Peterson, describes it this way: he recounted how he suddenly found "a car behind me, and it started beeping (its horn) and stuff. Then the lady floored it — intentionally floored it — and I jumped off the bike, and she hit it," Peterson told The Sun near the crash scene.

It was initially believed the bike became entangled with and dragged beneath the car, although a Sun reader claimed Tuesday to have been sitting on his or her front porch and seeing the driver "flying past from Fifth Avenue onto Ellsworth (Street) with the bicycle firmly attached to the front of her car."

Rehm faces Class 3 felony charges of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and aggravated battery in a public place, court records indicated. Bond was set Tuesday at $100,000. She was released after posting $10,000 bail, and is scheduled to appear Aug. 24 for a preliminary hearing in DuPage County Circuit Court in Wheaton.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Let's Go Crazy

No, seriously, it's the song "Let's Go Crazy" but it is not by who you might think.

I challenge you not to get up and dance your ass off!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's just like it sounds

Stick damages car:

Vehicle damage: About 11:44 p.m., large stick thrown and dented passenger-side rear quarter panel of vehicle at 621 S. Wright St.

Hey, we're not New Jersey where apparently everyone in public office is crooked as a, well, New Jersey politician.

Makes Illinois look saintly by comparison.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chihuahuas are WACK!

Potter Puppet Pals - Harry is too cool for school

Super Happy Fun Day continues with more Potter Puppet Pals

Harry & Ron & Hermione steal Severus Snape's diary and read it.

Johnny has the best ideas!

Johnny Action Space Punk, our mentor and best pal, declared 'Super Happy Fun Day' at our sister blog, the Jersey City Desk, today, and rather than be shy we're gonna give him credit and run with it.

Here's something I just discovered recently and find totally hilarious. Enjoy!

Monday, July 20, 2009

In other words: CHA-CHING

Up for consideration at tonight's city council meeting:

From Staff Reports

A look at tonight's Naperville City Council meeting.

Up for discussion

The issue: After tabling the item at its June 16 meeting, the City Council will once again consider approval of a contract with Redflex Traffic Systems for an amount not to exceed $688,880 over a three-year period to expand the red-light photo enforcement program.

What it means: After data from the cameras at Route 59 and North Aurora Road indicated a reduction of the number of crashes at the intersection since the cameras were installed, staff is recommending the installation of cameras at two additional intersections — Route 59 at Diehl Road and Route 34/Ogden Avenue at Aurora Avenue. The council tabled the matter last month in order to gather more information and determine if its possible to eliminate right on red cameras for these two locations.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

State can't pass a budget but we've got time for nonsense

Seems Monique Davis, state representative and atheist hater, slipped a Michael Jackson tribute into a package of nine resolutions without really telling anyone. Rep. Davis sponsored the resolution saying "We didn't make a big thing about it. I didn't ask to have a moment of silence. I just wanted it passed. What we're saying is he's honored for the work and contributions he made for this country. His work was iconic," she said.

Davis' legislation described Jackson as a child prodigy centerpiece of the Jackson 5, a humanitarian and a "musical icon." But it steered clear of allegations of his improper contact with children, drug use, or any other controversial aspects of Jackson's life.

"He was as innocent as a baby," Davis said of Jackson, who died June 25.

Innocent as a baby? Really? Would YOU leave your child with him? I bet you'd think twice.

Other legislators were surprised to learn the tribute had been included in the package of resolutions and expressed dismay that they unknowingly passed it.

Rep. Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro) said members should have been alerted about the Jackson resolution because of its controversial nature.

"I don't think we should have done it, period," said Bost, who indicated he would have voted either "no" or "present" on the resolution had he known of its content. "You'd like to say everything that goes through on a voice vote, someone has looked it over and said OK. This one was big enough, I wish I'd have known."

Franks agreed.

"There's never been an exoneration. He was certainly a great entertainer. He was revolutionary for the industry. But is he someone we should be honoring? That's open to debate, and there should have been a debate."

But Davis insisted that wasn't necessary.

"I think all of Illinois should be proud of Michael Jackson," she said. "It passed unanimously, really, because it was an agreed-upon resolution. We don't have to debate it. This kid, in my opinion ... gave his entire life to entertaining us."

A copy of Davis' resolution will be sent to the Jackson family.

News flash: Jackson was talented and sang some great songs. He was also deeply troubled and had virtually no grasp of appropriate behavior for adults. Most importantly he did not walk on water. Rep. Davis, if you're such a fan, put up a poster in your office. In the meantime, can we get back to working on legislation that actually does something, like provide the state with a working budget?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Trivia night

Name this song and the artists: (no binging!)

I'm heavenly-blessed
and worldy-wise
I'm a peeping tom techie
with x-ray eyes

Answer here.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wingdardium leviosa!

Today is the best day! It's finally July 15 and the official release date of the 6th movie in the Hogwarts franchise, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The movie was originally supposed to be released late last year but the studio opted to hold it when they realized the writer's strike had limited the movies that could get into production and the stable of summer blockbusters was not what they'd usually hope for. Way to call on a boy-wizard to bail their Muggle butts out! I am attending a showing this evening and CANNOT WAIT. I have decided I WILL fight a kid for a seat if it comes to that.

Here's an article from the Naperville Sun featuring some fans who don't have full-time jobs that require them to be somewhere in the morning (grumble) and who stayed up late to see the show when it opened at midnight. (I hope no wizard robes were stained with popcorn butter.)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday night Fun - REM - Me in Honey

My favorite local radio station, WXRT, played this a couple weeks ago when I was on my way to work and it was so cool I had to look for it for NCD. R.E.M. live from 1995 doing 'Me In Honey.' Mike Mills is doing a pretty good job substituting for Kate Pierson... Stipe is working the bald head and the blue makeup.

Friday night Fun - REM & Homer Simpson

Here's a very brief clip of Homer Simpson winging his own lyrics to 'It's the End of the World as We Know It' with R.E.M.

Friday night Fun - R.E.M. and MONSTERS

It's a three-fer tonight and a bit of fluffy fun... 'Furry Happy Monsters' - you'll recognize it!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Well, at least the kid was paying attention

Naperville City Desk is going to take this opportunity to provide a public service announcement to all women shoppers - don't leave your purse out and up for grabs in the front of your shopping cart! Trixie sees this all the time and doesn't understand it. I keep my purse on me or put it underneath - I figure if someone wants it bad enough to make a dive for it then they will have my foot to deal with as I kick them in the ass or head, whichever is closest.

The reason I bring this up is because a woman was shopping recently at a local grocery store and another woman attempted to steal the makeup bag out of the purse that I'm sure was on tempting display in the small basket. The victim's child was in the cart and yelled at the thief who put the case back and exited the store. Like I said, mom was busy comparing prices on organic kumquats and it only takes a second for your purse or the contents to disappear. Good thing kiddo was paying attention!

LADIES! Put your toddler in the small basket, NOT YOUR PURSE!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

We here at the Naperville City Desk wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday weekend. We're on our way to beautiful northern Michigan for family, friends and Polish food.

And remember, friends don't let friends drink 42 beers then play with fireworks.